Author Topic: What is the Relationship Between Number and other?  (Read 186 times)


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What is the Relationship Between Number and other?
« on: July 17, 2022, 02:05:43 PM »
The number represents the essence of the Trinity. This includes the three symbols of mind, body and spirit. This also has the meaning of the "connection with Jesus" or the "ascended master connection". Ultimately, your guardian angels and the presence of universal energies strongly surround you.

Then overflowing energy and power is unavoidable for you. Also, there is an increase in your growth and self-confidence at this time in your life. So you need to focus on accepting your inner truths. Also, you should start rolling towards your target when you see a repeated 666 angel number.

In the Bible, the 777 angel number means the Trinity, that is, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. It shows that God exists in three forms. According to the meaning of 333 in the Bible, there are three aspects of time that are well articulated in the Holy Book. These aspects of time include the past, the present, and the future.

The Bible also articulates the number with the concept of man, that is, the body, the mind and the soul. God existed before the creation of time, and he created us with a consciousness that makes us who we are. God the Son represents Jesus Christ, who died for our sins so that redemption is available to us.

The Gospels of the Bible, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John record that Jesus Christ died on the cross at the age of 33.

The symbolism of 888 angel number is that of growth. This can also mean that you are in the middle of a synthesis. Or it could also mean that you are in the process of personal growth. Also, maturity comes with personal growth. Therefore, accept some of your mistakes and forgive yourself for some unwise decisions you have made in the past.

Also, you need this to move and make room for increased abundance in your life. Also, this is also a reason to remove some things from your life. Consequently, they may be things that are not fruitful or do not bring you much pleasure 555 angel number.


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Re: What is the Relationship Between Number and other?
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2023, 08:20:16 PM »

The number 666 has a long and complex history in the Bible. In the book of Revelation, John the Apostle wrote that 666 is the "number of the beast," referring to a mysterious figure who is associated with evil. This figure is described as having "a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies" and having "power to continue forty and two months."

The meaning of 666 in the Bible is often interpreted as a reference to Satan or evil in general. In some interpretations, it's said to symbolize materialism, human pride, and greed. Some believe it could be a reference to Nero, the Roman emperor who persecuted Christians.

In Hebrew, the 666 angel number twin flame is associated with the phrase "Neron Kesar"—the Hebrew spelling of Nero's name. This could be interpreted as an allusion to Nero's persecution of Christians, as well as a warning to those who would follow in his footsteps.

The exact meaning of 666 in the Bible is still up for debate, but it's clear that it is associated with evil and danger. It's a warning sign for those who would follow a path of materialism and greed, and a reminder of the consequences of unchecked power.